The Book of James- A Preview Devotional

This Fall/Winter our Growth Groups will be studying The Book of James. We are getting excited to start our third year of Growth Groups on September 10th, and we hope that you are getting excited too! Below is a short preview of our study of James, with some questions for you and your family to enjoy time discussing together.

The book of James was written by James, the half-brother of Jesus, from Jerusalem, to Jewish Christians living outside of Palestine, around 40-60 AD. These are people like us, trying to live out in the world and be a follower of Christ, who need encouragement and wisdom to follow Him. Thus, James is a very practical book, almost like a manual for everyday Christian living, giving it the nickname “the Proverbs of the New Testament.”

Below is a preview of some questions James helps us answer. Please take some time to discuss with your family and friends how you would answer them, and take a look at what James has to say. 

  1. How do you react when being a Christian gets hard? (1:1-18)

  2. How do you react to temptation? Do you blame God for allowing the temptation? (1:13-18)

  3. What is the difference between calling yourself a Christian and being a Christian? (2:14-26)

  4. Why do negative words seem to have a greater impact on people than positive ones? (3:1-12)

  5. How is the wisdom of the world different from the wisdom of God? (3:13-18)

  6. How have you seen the power of prayer work in your life? (5:13-20)

If you haven’t signed up for Growth Groups yet, there is still time! You can sign up by turning in one of the fliers located in the church foyer, or on the church website at

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